Tekmania accommodates Information and Communication Technology (ICT) project initiatives being undertaken by CARIRI that are geared towards enhancing the operational efficiencies of SMEs.
TekDev provides innovative and out-of-the box software solutions to address the needs of Micro, Small and Medium Sized Enterprises (MSMEs) in Trinidad and Tobago. By using the latest technologies of Cloud Computing, Web, Mobile and Desktop Applications, we will work with the entrepreneur to design and develop customized solutions that will leverage the maximum potential of the
TekConnect provides intelligent, low cost telecommunication to SMEs. Using Open Technologies, we can leverage your existing architecture to provide quality Internet Telephony Solutions.
Advancements in voice communication allows you to save through smart routing of calls via Voice Over Internet Protocol (VOIP).
Data security is a major concern for all with the use of information communication technologies. TekProtect provides top-down security education, training and awareness for organizations of various sizes. Our interventions are based on internationally accepted tools and techniques and are designed to guard against both accidental and intentional data security threats. We provide consultancy on a wide variety of services including: