CARIRI takes great pride in its affiliation with the World Association of Industrial and Technological Research Organizations (WAITRO). As one of the founding members of this esteemed organization, we enjoy privileged access to a wealth of experience, technical expertise, and groundbreaking research emanating from over 160 Research and Technology organizations spanning across more than 70 countries.

In this capacity, we serve as a conduit for forging international connections and fostering high-level networking – an indispensable resource for both companies and governments striving to position their organizations and economies at the forefront of progress.

The WAITRO Offices in Germany and China are home to international and multilingual teams dedicated to coordinating the activities, services, and programs of WAITRO. They are readily available to support and assist members and partners, ensuring that the benefits of this global network are maximized to their fullest potential.

CARIRI’s Chief Executive Officer, Mr Hans-Erich Schulz, is the current 1st Vice-President of WAITRO.