The Caribbean Industrial Research Institute (CARIRI) and Microsoft Trinidad and Tobago have partnered together to form the Microsoft Innovation Center, the first of its kind in the English-speaking Caribbean. 

On Thursday 15th May 2014 at the Hilton Trinidad and Conference Centre, the official signing of the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) took place with the CEO of CARIRI, Mr Liaquat Ali Shah and Country Manager of Microsoft Trinidad and Tobago, Ms Frances Correira together with the Chairman of CARIRI, Mr Hayden Ferreira.

With the support of the Government, CARIRI, having recognized the critical importance of innovation to the country’s economic survival and growth has taken up the mantle to lead the charge in the creation of an innovation-driven economy and, in this regard, has initiated efforts at building capacity for Innovation in both the public and private sectors. This is one of the major reasons why CARIRI has partnered with Microsoft Trinidad and Tobago.  It attests to the recognition by Microsoft that more so than any other agency in the country, CARIRI now has in place at the Centre for Enterprise Development (CED) at Freeport, state of the art ICT infrastructure necessary to contribute substantially to the achievement of the goals and objectives of the Innovation Center.

The Innovation Center is intended to assist developers, independent software vendors, entrepreneurs, researchers and students to develop and deploy innovative software solutions based on Microsoft technology. The services provided are designed to boost ICT technology development and foster the growth of sustainable local software economies through skills and professional training, industry partnerships and innovation. The Center, therefore, accommodates stakeholders such as Academic Institutions, Industry and Government.

CARIRI is cognizant of the critical importance of networks/networking in the Innovation process and is open to working with key stakeholders, viz. Public sector organizations, Universities, Private sector companies/organizations, Research and Technology Organizations (local and foreign) and Regional and International Organizations, to advance the national Innovation agenda.

CARIRI and its new Centre for Enterprise Development (CED) are in a unique position to contribute to the overall development of the nation and are committed to ensure that the right partnerships are formed to further economic and social growth.